E-commerce in Nepal with Roshan Joshi | Digital Marketing Consultant

e-commerce Nepal


Why E-commerce

E-commerce has transformed how business is done locally & globally through internet. E-commerce has made buying and selling stuffs online easy and possible within clicks.


e-commerce and shopping portal in Nepal
Buying and selling online are popular worldwide

Is e-commerce for my Business?

Online business or e-business has increasingly overtaken traditional business in several parts of the world and in several industries. Industries, such as the online retail and services have seen phenomenal growth due to e-commerce. There are more e-Retailer brands, online stores and online marketing platforms along with mobile e-commerce than ever before. Online shopping & online banking are replacing the traditional ones. Your business could only be left out if you are not using e-commerce yet.


E-commerce is not just a distribution channel, but also a way for business and brands to reach the targeted customers. The possibility to integrate e-commerce with social media marketing results into greater customer reach, more targeted market segmentation and deeper relationships with customers.


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